Fior di Vite

Cultivation area: Veneto region, province of Verona, moraine hills on the east of the hinterland of Lake Garda.
Soil type: Moraine origin, clay soil a bit sandy.
Winemaking: Hand harvest at the end of September. It macerates for 24 hours into the closed tank saturated with nitrogen. The fermentation takes place in the initial temperature of 12°C for 3-4 days, then it is increased till 16°C.
Refinements: Rests into stainless steel with "surlì" maceration for 60 days.
Colour: Straw yellow.
Bouquet: Floral aromas with hints of honey, elder and apricot, and typical scents of moscato giallo.
Taste: Very fruity, sparkling enough to harmonize its sweetness.
Maintenance: It maintains its characteristics for more than 2-3 years; it should be stored in a cool (18-19°C) and low light place.
Ideal with appetizers, creamy and dry cake desserts. 9,50% vol
Serve at 6-8°C
Moscato yellow